Dec 28, 2007

Breast Biopsy - Cancer Schmiopsy!

I admit I have the biggest boobs in the world. Cup size H. (and no, I am not 500 pounds)....close, but not there yet. Well I get the wonderful tit squishing machine they call a mammogram, and they find a "spot". What's a "Spot"? "We don't know." "You have to have a breast biopsy to see if it's cancer". oh. how nice. oh.

So....under general anesthetic I later wake up with a giant black/blue/purple area on my breast that would be substituted for the artificial turf on the football field. I mean, BIG. Huge and scarey looking.

To make matters worse, the regular stitches the doctor put in failed, and blood started flowing out so I had to be hospitalized, and re-stitched with industrial-strength thread.

It is now one week later. I do not have cancer, thank G. But my breast is all colors of the rainbow and a two inch band of black stitches is poking out. Must have been some lump, huh? Maybe I should frame the lump and hang it over the pig's barn door saying "Some Lump" and make some money off of it. Who knows? (to those of you who do not recognize my obscure reference to the book and movie "Charlotte's Web", the spider wrote "some pig" in her web and suddenly people started seeing the plain old pig as "something".)


Anonymous said...

Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

Carley Elise said...

Thanks for whatever it is you said! Even though I can't read it, it's a post!