May 13, 2007

I'm A Dependent Personality Living Alone

I'll admit it...I am a dependent personality. I have always depended on my parents or husband(s) for emotional support. The one thing I have always dreaded was living alone. And guess what, now I live alone!

I have discovered that living alone isn't bad after all. I can come and go as I please, reporting to no one. If I desire to squeeze the toothpaste tube in the middle, I can do so without anyone else complaining! I can cook what I like, even lima beans! The television is there silently waiting for me to turn it on, to watch whatever I please. And I can do my laundry "my" way...lumping colored clothing with whites...!

I used to be afraid that I would have a medical emergency and no one would be there to help. Well, the telephone is quite accessible even to someone having a heart attack, and the paramedics arrive no more quickly than if a spouse had dialed 9-1-1.

Sleeping alone is heavenly! I can toss and turn all night, taking up the entire bed without disturbing another person. I even admit that I sometimes snore...but without another pair of ears in the room, I am not offending anyone.

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