May 13, 2007

Scooters - A City Delight

For most of my life, I have paid car insurance, car repair costs, license plate fees, taxes, and all that goes with owning a car. Suddenly, a year ago, I lost my car. How could I manage? I didn't want to take city busses. I didn't want to walk too far. I didn't want to have to rely on friends to take me places. I was spoiled!

Then, my friend Susan suggested that I get a scooter. A what? A not a "power chair" for disabled, not a little thing you scoot with one foot....a real, motorized scooter! In Nevada, scooters under 50 cc are not required to be licensed or insured. You just have to go under 30 mph.

I live in a small town where it almost never snows, so the scooter seemed to make sense. So for $850 I purchased a Chinese-made scooter from a friend of a friend. It was easy to ride, with no shifting of gears required. I rode along the right side of the road when possible, and that worked fine.

The color of my scooter is PINK! I purchased a pink leather jacket to match! It is amazing how many comments I get from strangers every time I park my scooter. I get more accolades from strangers than if I were driving a Corvette! Everybody says "I want one!".

The cost of operating my scooter is $5 a month for gas. It gets 100 mpg. Remember, there is no insurance or license plate required! I park it in my apartment at night so it doesn't get stolen, and park it in front of stores by their bike racks so that is is never left in an unsafe place. But shhh!!! Don't let this secret get out, or you know the government will want to tax and license my scooter for sure!!!!!


Pen Ultimate said...

Congrats on yer scoot! You sound like a hoot. :)

Carley Elise said...

Toot Toot!