Jan 14, 2009

I Read "Superman" Comics...For Free!

It's 1960, in a small mom-and-pop grocery store. I am 8 years old and sitting on the lip of the comic-book stand, happily reading my favorite comic, "Superman". For free.

Superman didn't do weird stuff in those days. He stuck to the basics. You know, flying, super-human strength and x-ray vision. Not those "modern" super-powers like seeing through people's clothes and things like that. And "Superboy" didn't exist.

Although I read "Superman" for years, I never bought an issue. As frequent shoppers in that urban store, my grandmother and I were able to get the benefits of little things like that. The owners of the store, Les and Marcy, were glad to let me read "Superman" as my grandmother shopped.

Grocery stores in the United States are just not the "cool" places they used to be. Except, maybe, stores found in small towns and rural areas. But then again, I don't know. All I know is, I live in a town of 20,000 people and kids today are kicked out of the store if they try to sit and read comic books...um....my mistake. They do not SELL comic books! I forgot! Comic books are found in specialty stores! I guess I'll have to travel 60 miles to the nearest specialty store.

I wonder if I can read all I want for free?

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