Jul 16, 2009

I'm Getting a Breast Reduction!

Well, now, it is a fact that I have huge boobs. I finally got fed up with the pain and hassle that big boobs brings, such as neck and shoulder pain, grooves in my shoulders under the bra strap, having to buy bras online because nobody seems to want to make bras for giant boobs in local stores, and not being able to run without the lifting and crashing of fatty flesh.

This is because I recently had a biopsy done on the left breast, and the surgeon highly recommended that I get a breast reduction... and so the idea was planted in my brain. At first I was afraid and said "no way!", but after I thought about it and researched it on the internet, I made a decision to "go for it"!

At the first visit with the Plastic Surgeon, he just kind of shook his head when he saw my huge tits and muttered to himself while he took measurements. (I think I impressed even him!) So it's pretty certain that my insurance will pay for the procedure since I have all the right requirements.

Now I am excited to have it done, and am counting down the days. I feel unafraid of the pain of surgery and recovery and am resigned to the fact that I will probably hate myself the day after surgery because of the huge pain I am enduring. So onward and upward! (pun intended)

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