Aug 11, 2009

Results of Breast Reduction Surgery

It's been two weeks. When I look down, I no longer see my former breasts, I see my belly. (It's too big...but that will be the next challenge)!

The surgery itself took 5 hours, in a surgical center. I had about 1100 grams removed from each breast. If you are knowledgable about how many grams is a lot or a little in breast surgeries, let me assure you that this is A LOT, way over average.

After surgery, the strange thing is that my right arm was hurting like HELL! I think they strapped it too tight or something. I only remember bits and pieces of the recovery room and going to the hotel we had to stay in (in order to be close to the hospital).

Now, I see beautiful smaller breasts in the mirror. I have big, brown/black sutures under my breasts all the way from armpit to armpit, and a zipper-looking suture line from mid-chest up to each nipple. Over months these will fade away.

I've been good, and not reached over my head for anything, slept on my back every night (no choice) and not lifted anything too heavy. All is well. I am very happy that I did this surgery! I was afraid to do it, but it is worth it.

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