Dec 14, 2008

Astrology: Sun Sign, Cancer

I had my natal chart done. Hmmmmm. The reading says all kinds of things that ring true. I'm a cancer, with Sun ascending, Venus in the Fourth House, Moon in Scorpio, North Node is in Aquarius, etc. It's taken a lot of time and study to figure out what all these terms mean. I still don't know much.

Here's an example from my reading: "The Sun conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have a great desire for recognition and are creative in finding ways to gain attention." Conclusion: This is why I am doing this Blog!!! hahahahaha

Sometimes I think each paragraph of a natal chart reading or a horoscope could be cut out, all put in a hat, and pulled out at random. Even then each paragraph would ring true for most people.

So I ask myself, "why do so many people believe in Astrology?"

Susan Miller, in the article "What Astrology Can Do For You" found on says:

"Astrologers believe in the maxim As Above, So Below. By that I mean there is a direct relationship between the activities of the planets and human activity on earth. Most people see a relationship between full moons and human behavior; astrologers just see this phenomenon in much greater depth and detail. We are not sure why astrology works but we are certain there is a connection. There are many theories as to why, but science does not admit that there are forces in the universe that we still do not fully understand. It is possible that in the future we will discover why astrology works."

On, we read:

"Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of birth. The planets are regarded as basic life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very substance. These planetary forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal positiSolar-Systemon and on the way they relate to one another."

I am giving Astrology a try. Who knows, it might just help. What are your thoughts?

*jpg found at

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